Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Shout out to the B-man!

My favorite youngest brother played in the state championship for lacrosse last Saturday. He's been playing lacrosse for six years and he ROCKS! I had to give him a little shout out on the blog and let him know how proud we are of him. He's accomplished so much. He's a senior, so it was awesome to make it to the state finals his last year. Here are a couple action shots from this season (you can always tell its him by the red-striped socks and #3):

Here we are at the state finals, which sadly, the Wildcats lost to Lone Peak. They put up a good fight. It was really fun to see and I got a little hoarse from yelling. :)

Claire, Brandon and Drew

My parents and Brandon with the sign I made for him.

Way to go B-man! We couldn't be prouder!


The Parks Fam said...

Way to go, Brandon!! Lacrosse would be a tough sport to play. I don't think I could do it. I can't believe your little bro is a SENIOR!! That is CRAZY!

Anonymous said...

That is so cool! Way to go little Webb!

Anonymous said...

Hey B-Man!!!
We're so proud of you and your team! I love the pics. Lis does a great job and it will be nice to have these for memories!