Sunday, May 2, 2010

Claire is 3.

Does every parent secretly dread their child's birthday? When anyone asks Claire how old she's going to be on her birthday, she'll reply, "I'm going to be three. It makes Mommy sad." Apparently I've told her too many times that I don't want her to grow up. But it keeps happening anyway.

Here are some of her 3(I just hate even saying it)-year photos. I sure love this girl.

To see more, check out my photography blog or my Facebook page.

Photos of her birthday party to come soon!


jakenapril said...

ha. checked 'em all out and you have one gorgeous little 3 year old on your hands. but i think you know that. not a bad photo in the bunch. love her sassy spunk. happy birthday claire! ;)

Marie said...

Happy birthday to Claire! What a little sweetheart. She's growing up so she can help you with the new baby. I actually have not been sad for my kids to grow up. I'm sure when I have my last baby -- whenever that is -- I won't want that one to grow up. For now, though, I look forward to the next phases. I was like that with myself. I always wanted to grow up. Hooray for Claire!

Trish said...

Oh. My. Gosh. She is so darling.

Ali said...

Oh my goodness...those pics are fabulous and she is beautiful! I can't wait to see what this little boy of yours is going to look like. I hear ya on the birthday thing. If time could just freeze so they stay your little kid forever, that'd be fantastic. Hope her birthday was great! xo