Tuesday, March 17, 2009

best. husband. ever.

Could I have married a better guy? I think not.

I just sent him a text letting him know that our in-flight movie (on a flight we are taking in the near future) is:

And this is the text I get back from him:

Best. Husband. Ever.


Stephenson and Katie said...

Nate really is the sweetest guy! I remember all of us talking about that on the way home from your wedding ;) He worships you! I'm so jealous that's your in-flight movie!!! Nothing gets better than watching TWILIGHT on the way to hawaii. Pure heaven! Are you gonna hit up the midnight dvd release party on your vacation?

Jennifer Hatch said...

Wow... that really is impressive!

jakenapril said...

freakin' awesome! don't forget your "bitten" shirt! and have so much fun in the islands! jealous. although we will have some sunshine while you're gone.

Tif said...

That cracks me up!

Dennis Family said...

I love it! What a great guy!