Saturday, September 18, 2010

The girl likes soccer.

And I'm happy about it. I played soccer for 13 years while growing up and couldn't wait to get Claire signed up for her first season. It was so fun to watch these kids play. They don't really have any rules besides 1-you can't pick up the ball, and 2-don't kick it out of bounds. Other than that the kids run around the ball like a herd. Here's the play by play:

Warming up with Coach Brian and Chase.

Practicing drop kicks (her favorite thing).

The starting team...and Claire dancing to the whistle.

She was so into it!

Claire's turn on the bench (she literally sat on the cone the whole time she was out).

Back in the game (can you see her behind Chase?).

The game is over! Cheering for the other team, who won. The score was something like 15 to 8.

Giving high fives to the other team.

And finally, the real reason she wanted to play...treats after the game.

Family shot...Nate had just run 20 miles in preparation for the St. George Marathon coming up in 3 weeks.

She loved the first game and ended up scoring four goals! With two of them being in the correct goal, one of them for the other team, and the last one was in the goal of the team playing on the field next to us. :) We had to explain the rules to her after, but she didn't care. She went around telling everyone that she scored four goals in her soccer game. :)