Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Bath time

My sweet Claire loves bath time! I'm so glad because the first bath was a pretty tramatic experience. Nate and I had no clue what we were doing and the poor girl was probably freezing cold. Now, I just keep a few washcloths on her and she keeps warm. She could be having a little fit and the second I put her in the bath, she gets completely calm. She'll just stare at me with her little double chin...like the picture below. Her favorite part is when I wash her hair and pour the water over her head.

The part she always hated about the bath was getting out. I can't blame her, I hate that too! So I took the space heater in her room and I'll point it on her while I get her dressed and put her lotion on. This has made both our lives easier. We also love hooded towels!


Kristy said...

Cute! I'm glad she likes bath time. It's good for you and for her!