Thursday, March 27, 2008

Signing Times

Can I just say the I L-O-V-E "Baby Signing Time"? For those of you who haven't heard of it, it's a DVD, well two DVDs, that teaches your baby actual ASL sign language. It's awesome and man does Claire love it. We've got four signs down (well, she'll do them most of the time): all done, more, food, and cracker. When she was sick last week it was the only thing that would make her forget she was sick. AND its a great way for us to communicate with her before she can talk.
Here is a pic of her watching it yesterday...

(every time the little frog comes on the screen, Claire will start giggling)

Cousin Drew was over yesterday, so he watched it with us too. Can you tell he liked it too?

So to all you new and expecting moms out there, I highly recommend investing in these DVDs. They've definitely worked with Claire!


Jamie said...

Here's an amazing article on how Signing Time helped one baby learn how to read...

Joe said...

I think those Signing Time people know what they're doing. We caught some of the TV show the other day and Livvy continues to show us broom, help you and help me.

Good luck with your brilliant little Claire, Plowmen.

Kyle and Marci said...

She is so ADORABLE! That couch looks so comfy too! I can't wait to meet her. I just love her smile.

Tiff Rudd said...

Very cool. We never got the DVDs, but Cameron learned 7 or 8 signs that made life a lot easier for us! Maybe this time around I will have to try the DVDs.

Stephenson and Katie said...

I LOVE watching kids faces while they watch dvd's! What a smart girl!! How's your photog blog coming?!

Anonymous said...

Why to you deprive your child from real shows. She would love them if you would just let her watch shows like The Office. There she will learn qualities that she will carry throughout her life. Michael is my idol.

jakenapril said...

Do you watch "Signing Time" on PBS? Ask Barbie about it. We love it, and Makenna thinks it's the coolest! Ashton has also learned a few signs that makes communicating with a toddler easier.

Andy and Kimi said...

We love Signing Time at our house. Tanner is pretty impressive- he could sign WAY before he could talk. It was nice because he could tell us what he wanted (milk, water, cookie, chocolate milk, etc.) and when he started talking it was nice because I could understand what he was saying because he would sign it too. He really loves the signing time about the zoo- he knows the sign for every animal. Fun Times!