Thursday, April 29, 2010

Swim class

Over the last two years, Claire and I did five different Mom/Tot swim classes. I loved how excited she got and it was a fun thing to do with friends. Well she's officially (sniff, sniff) graduated to a swim class of her own. No more Mom/Tot. She's in the big leagues now with two kids who are a good 8-9 inches taller than her. She loves it just as much as the Mom/Tot classes, so I'm happy. Although she still hates getting her face too wet. Here she is on the first day, ecstatic about swim lessons!

"Mom, another one? Really?"

Surprisingly, we're usually the first ones at her class so she usually gets some alone time with the teacher, Steffie.

She loves a good splash.

So does Drew.

They are supposed to dive for rings at the end of class, but as I mentioned, she doesn't like getting her face wet. So she looks at the ceiling, goes as low as she can, and feels around until she grabs one.

Got it!

Still a couple of weeks left! We love swim class!


Jenny said...

That girl is too cute!

Trish said...

So cute! I love all her swimsuits!

Laura said...

She is so pretty! Fun times swimming!

Leslie said...

I need to get B in swim lessons ASAP. I just don't want to put on a swimsuit to do the mom/tot thing. I hope you are feeling well these last few weeks. I can't wait to see him.