Wednesday, July 18, 2007

One handed

I can't believe how big Claire is getting! She was 11 weeks yesterday. Here is a pic of Nate balancing her on one hand. This is something my dad always did with us kids. I vividly remember my youngest brother balancing on my dad's hand when I was eight years old and thinking my dad was so strong. I was going to be really creative and find a picture of my dad doing this with me, but let's be honest, I'm never going to find the time to search for it.

On a side note, we took Claire to the drive-in last weekend and she loved it! We just kept passing her back and forth on our laps and she just looked all around. She did that for most of the movie. We've decided that's the way to take infants to movies. Then if they want to be loud you just roll up the windows and you're set!


Anonymous said...

My dad totally used to do that with me! Fun memories and cute pictures.

Ape said...

Tate would do this to our babies too! Fun to see you at the game last night. I'm so glad you are back to work. We missed you!!!!!